***** Next Master the Markets Foundation Course 1.5 days - Sept 14-15, 2009. Call Dolly at 03 4252 4149 to enroll ! ***** The Importance of Being A "Honest" Trader :-) martin_tf_wong@hotmail.com: 04/01/2009 - 05/01/2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

5:16 pm - FKLI is holding nicely at 980 level .

10:37 am - FKLI is breaking down now !

Close all our long position (some last friday and some today) and waiting aside !

9:24 am - FKLI is affected a bit due to swine flu !

8:55 am - Market Report by Bill Wermine

Dear Traders,

Today we held our Traders Club, at the CIMB auditorium, Nigel Foo, Head of research for CIMB gave a realistic analysis of the KLSE. He feels the KLSE will move ahead to the 1050 level in the next 2 months. He suggests to be defensive should the KLSE hit this level. Be ready to quickly lock in profits.

The top is in if:

News flow is extremly bullish and price stalls out
Retailers are jumping in and volume reaches unusual high levels but price refuses to advance- it means lack of demand from smart money. In fact smart money is selling to the herd of sheep investors.

Positives include a more business friendly PM, lifting of the 30 % Bumi quota for selected industries, and a resurgance of world markets.

Underlying the bullish world stock environment is unprecedented liquidity flowing from central banks- with interest rates at historical lows and an all out push to get credit flowing again. Never underestimate the power of the US Treasury and Federal Reserve. They can create currency out of thin air and they are.

Unfortunately, at some point the piper must be paid.

There will be a black swan event. An event that can not be predicted and the house of cards will collapse.

That is why we shared the ways of investing in gold. Gold is the ultimate safe haven and every investor should have exposure.

I apoligize to all of you who came to hear from the gold fund manager from Am Bank who was scheduled to come. He never even had the courtesy to call me that he could not come.

Luckily we had a film clip from hedge fund manager Michael Covel with comments from Jim Rogers and George Soros who in my opinion carry weight. All 3 are recommending gold exposure of 5 to 10 % should the currency printing bubble explode.

Also Martin and Nigel shared some excellent research to support holding gold.

In any case, we will hold our gold conference at the Armada Hotel on 10 May Sunday from 2 to 5 PM.
Cover charge is RM 25. This will be in more depth than what was presented today.

Let me know if you wish to attend as seats will be limited. You may pay/egister at the door.

Martin will share a powerful gold trading system for you technical traders. He will share the backtesting results which prove the system has positive expectation.

This system is medium term and works in timing Gold Unit Trusts, Gold ETFs. and gold futures.

I have done some research on the various gold scams perpetuated on local investors that you need to be awair of. I will speak on this. In times of uncertainty and volatility fraudsters are very active and we need to know how to protect ourselves.

Bottom line, only deal with locally regulated dealers. This also applies to FOREX trading.

Attached is an article on gold I wrote for Malaysian Business last month.

Have a good week ahead

8:49 am - FKLI gap up slightly but must break upside to 1007 !

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

4:37 pm - FKLI retrace back to 50%

The question remained if it can sustain tomorrow selldown if DJIA falls tomorrow !

4:02 pm - FKLI on a hourly basis looks bearish !

2:32 pm - FKLI is breaking as ShangHai Index is down almost -2.5 pct.

11:18 am - Traders' Club Meeting - Sat 25 April 2009 @ 10 am CIMB Auditorium

Dear Traders,

Just a reminder, our Traders Club is this Saturday 25 April, 10 to 12 AM at CIMB Auditorium: Agenda includes Market Outlook and what market sectors to focus on by Nigel Foo, head of research from CIMB as well as opportunities in the gold market by a gold analist and a technical timing system for gold by Futures Broker, Martin.Wong

Our last foundation seminar this quarter is on 4 5 May at my office at Phillip Capital starting at 10 AM.

If you have any friends who might wish to take advantage of the current KLSE Bull - the best favor you could give them is to inform them of this trading course -by inviting them to our Traders Club Saturday and let them see how to maximize profits, manage risks and grow our wealth.

We should have a full house Saturday so come early to secure your seat.

Have a good day

10:28 pm - FKLI will test 980 again and if it break, we wud see new high @ 995 level

9:42 am - Gold Conference 2009 - 10 May 2009

Dear Investor,

We will be organising a Gold Conference 2009 on 10th May 2009 for your clients and prospects. For 5,000 years gold has been the ultimate hedge against inflation, depression, recession and stock market collapse. It is the ultimate safe haven in times of economic turmoil which we experiencing now. Learn how gold can be used to protect the hard earned assets with the following choices:

Physical Gold
Gold Passbook Account
Gold Mining Shares
Gold Mining Share Unit Trust
Gold Futures
Details of the Conference are as below:

Date: 10th May 2009 (Sunday)
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Venue: Nakhoda Room 2 & 3, Level 3, Armada Hotel Petaling Jaya, Lorong Utara C, Section 52, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Registration Fee: RM25 for cover charge

1.30pm Registration

2pm "Various approaches to Invest and Hedge in the Gold markets"
by Mr. Bill Wermine, Fund Manager of Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd

3pm "Market Outlook for Gold & Precious Metals 2009"
by Mr. Goh Aik Leong, Director, Deutsche Asset Management (Asia) Ltd.

4pm "Timing the Gold Market for Buying & Selling Gold"
by Mr. Martin Wong, Futures Broker of CIMB Futures Sdn Bhd

Please RSVP with Dolly @ 016 637-1508 or 03-4252 4149 to register as only limited seats are available. I have also attached herewith Gold Conference Brochure and a write up by Bill which came up in the Malaysian Business Magazine "A Safe Haven".

You may also amend below emails and circulate to your prospects shall they be interested to participate for the event.

Thank you.

Warm Regards,

Phillip Wealth Planners

9:17 am - DJIA has a support at 7,800 level !

9:03 am - FKLI is likely to test the weekly r1 @ 976 today !

Wednesday, April 08, 2009